Getting going


Habakkuk is available from the Python Package Index (pypi). The project itself is hosted on github (


Habakkuk is written in Python and so needs Python (either 2.7 or 3.6+) to be installed on the target machine. It also requires the (Python) fparser and six packages. In order to run the test suite you will require py.test.


Using pip

The recommended way of installing Habakkuk is to use pip. This will obtain the package from pypi as well as any required dependencies:

$ pip install Habakkuk

By default, pip attempts to perform a system-wide installation which requires root privileges. Alternatively, a user-local installation may be requested by specifying the –user flag:

$ pip install --user Habakkuk

This will install the package(s) under ${HOME}/.local. Depending on your linux distribution, you may need to add ${HOME}/.local/bin to your PATH and ${HOME}/.local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/ to your PYTHONPATH. (X.Y is the version of python your system is running, e.g. 2.7.)

From tarball

If pip is not available then tarballs of each of the releases of Habakkuk are available on github ( Once the tarball has been downloaded and unpacked, change to the resulting habakkuk directory and do:

$ python install

If you do not have root access then, as with using pip (above), you can specify the prefix for the install path like so:

$ python install --prefix ${HOME}/.local


Habakkuk is run from the command line. The -h/–help flag will produce a list of the various available options:

$ habakkuk -h

Usage: habakkuk [options] <Fortran file(s)>

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --no-prune            Do not attempt to prune duplicate operations from the
  --no-fma              Do not attempt to generate fused multiply-add
  --rm-scalar-tmps      Remove scalar temporaries from the DAG
  --show-weights        Display node weights in the DAG
                        No. of times to unroll a loop. (Applied to every loop
                        that is encountered.)

  Fortran code options:
    Specify information about Fortran codes.

    --mode=MODE         Specify Fortran code mode. Default: auto.

Habakkuk analyses Fortran source files, provided as arguments on the command line, e.g.:

$ habakkuk my_fortran_file1.f90 my_fortran_file2.F90

If all is well, you should see output similar to the following:

$ habakkuk tra_adv.F90
Habakkuk processing file 'tra_adv.F90'
Wrote DAG to tra_adv_loop1.gv
Stats for DAG tra_adv_loop1:
   0 addition operators.
   0 subtraction operators.
   0 multiplication operators.
   1 division operators.
   1 FLOPs in total.
   8 array references.
   8 distinct cache-line references.
   Naive FLOPs/byte = 0.016
   Whole DAG in serial:
     Sum of cost of all nodes = 8 (cycles)
     1 FLOPs in 8 cycles => 0.1250*CLOCK_SPEED FLOPS
     Associated mem bandwidth = 8.00*CLOCK_SPEED bytes/s
   Everything in parallel to Critical path:
     Critical path contains 4 nodes, 1 FLOPs and is 8 cycles long
     FLOPS (ignoring memory accesses) = 0.1250*CLOCK_SPEED
     Associated mem bandwidth = 8.00*CLOCK_SPEED bytes/s
 Schedule contains 1 steps:
             Execution Port
       0    1    2    3    4    5
 0   /    None None None None None (cost = 8)
   Estimate using computed schedule:
     Cost of schedule as a whole = 8 cycles
     FLOPS from schedule (ignoring memory accesses) = 0.1250*CLOCK_SPEED
     Associated mem bandwidth = 8.00*CLOCK_SPEED bytes/s
   Estimate using perfect schedule:
     Cost if all ops on different execution ports are perfectly overlapped = 8 cycles
   e.g. at 3.85 GHz, these different estimates give (GFLOPS):
   No ILP  |  Computed Schedule  |  Perfect Schedule | Critical path
    0.48   |          0.48       |        0.48       |    0.48
  with associated BW of 30.80,30.80,30.80,30.80 GB/s


The Habakkuk source contains a test-suite written to use py.test. In order to run it you will need to obtain the Habakkuk source - either by downloading a tarball of one of the [releases]( or by cloning the git repository. Assuming you have Habakkuk and py.test installed you can then do:

$ cd habakkuk/src/habakkuk/tests
$ py.test