f2py installation

Habakkuk requires version 3 of f2py, a library designed to allow fortran to be called from python (see http://code.google.com/p/f2py/wiki/F2PYDevelopment for more information). Habakkuk makes use of the fortran parser (fparser) contained within.

The source code of f2py (revision 93) is provided with Habakkuk in the sub-directory f2py_93. If you would prefer to install f2py rather than simply use it as is (see the previous section) then the rest of this section explains how to do this.

f2py uses the numpy distutils package to install. In version 1.6.1 of distutils (currently the default in Ubuntu) distutils supports interactive setup. In this case to install f2py using gfortran and gcc (for example) you can perform the following (where “cgcc”, “fgfortran”, “1” and “2” are interactive commands to setup.py)

> cd f2py_93
> sudo ./setup.py
> sudo ./setup.py

For later versions of distutils (1.8.0 has been tested) where the interactive setup has been disabled you can perform the following (using g95 and gcc in this case):

> cd f2py_93
> sudo ./setup.py build -fcompiler=g95 -ccompiler=gcc
> sudo ./setup.py install

For more information about possible build options you can use the available help:

> ./setup.py --help
> ./setup.py build --help
> ./setup.py build --help-fcompiler

In particular, if you do not have root access then the python modules can be installed in your user account by specifying –user to the install command:

> ./setup.py install --user

This causes the software to be installed under ${HOME}/.local/